If you are a homeowner, you know how important the real estate market has become to the financial well-being and security of you and your family. Your home may well be your biggest investment, and like any other investment, it needs to be managed and protected. Unfortunately, home repairs are often put off due to costs or the inability to find a good contractor. The same goes for home improvements. The addition of, say, a covered patio may be put off when it could add to the value and enjoyment of your home. Read More
evodesignent, Author at Siding Contractor Portland OR SIding, Windows, Decks, Additions Free Estimates - Page 2 of 2
With rising fuel costs, making your home more energy-efficient is becoming an increasingly attractive investment.
In this day and age of ever-rising fuel costs, not having your home properly insulated is like throwing money out the window. Literally, in fact, as old, leaky windows are a prime source of residential heat loss. Replacement windows alone can make a dramatic difference, with energy savings of up to 40% in monthly fuel bills. Read More
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